The south african navy hydrographic office


What is the SANHO?


Established in 1955, The SA Navy Hydrographic Office (SANHO) plays an important role in aiding safe navigation in the South African seas.

The offices of SANHO are based in Silvermine, Tokai, Cape Town. They are comprised of five divisions – paper charts, ENC’s, tidal, maritime safety info and publication, and detached survey operations and training.

SANHO has been recognized for its excellence by the International Hydrographic Community and awarded as the Centre of Hydrographic Excellence in the continent of Africa.

SANHO produces paper charts, electronic navigational charts, and publications. The mission of the organization is to meet both government and public needs for navigational charts and other hydrographic information that aids safe navigation of South African seas.


World Hydrographic Day – 21 June 

In 2005 the United Nations adopted the introduction of World Hydrographic Day by the International Hydrographic Organization.

The aim of this day is to give publicity to the work of hydrographic organisations and to increase the coverage of hydrographic information internationally.

It encourages all countries to work together to promote safe navigation.


Charts International - South African Navy Hydrographic Office - SANHO
SANHO - The South African Navy Hydrographic Office
Charts International - Distributor for British Admiralty (UKHO), SA Navy (SANHO), ICS, ITU and IMO

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